BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ Connectorized
RADWIN MultiSector Connectorized is a dual carrier base station supporting up to 4 external sector antennas. The self-contained base station notably reduces site...
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ Integrated
RADWIN MultiSector™ is an innovative base station solution for network operators, looking to provide MicroPoP broadband connectivity in locations sensitive to TCO....
Plan your wireless network roll-out with RADWIN WINPlan to secure optimal coverage and capacity, while minimizing capital and operational expenditure and assuring the...
BrochuresJET for private networks
RADWIN JET is a disruptive Point-to-MultiPoint smart beamforming solution, excellent for operation in heavily congested unlicensed and licensed bands where spectrum...
BrochuresJET for service providers
RADWIN JET is a disruptive Point-to-MultiPoint smart beamforming solution, excellent for operation in heavily congested unlicensed and licensed bands where spectrum...
BrochuresSmart Node Brochure
RADWIN Smart-Node is an outdoor power and communication solution that reduces costs and accelerates the roll-out of smart-city, IoT and telecom projects. The all-in-one...
VideosLearn about RADWIN Train to Track solution’s unique...
RADWIN’s Fiber-in-Motion family of products, is one of the most powerful train-to-track solutions, delivering high-capacity connectivity and operating in challenging...
VideosRADWIN’s TerraBridge-Wireless Inter Carriage Link
RADWIN’s recently launched product named TerraBridge, is uniquely designed to address transportation operators’ demands for ultra-high capacity. The TerraBridge is a ...
VideosHow to reduce truck rolls in the wireless network lifecycle
Fixed Wireless Access Service Providers need to deploy different base station types in different deployment scenarios, reducing the TCOs as much as possible. However,...
BrochuresRail and Metro- Critical Network Services ES
En la actual era de la digitalización, la demanda de conectividad en trenes y metros se ha convertido en una necesidad. Hasta hace muy poco, la mayoría de las redes de ...
BrochuresRail and Metro ES
Durante la última década, la demanda de conectividad continua y de alta velocidad para las redes de los ferrocarriles y metros ha crecido significativamente. Hoy en...
Case StudiesCase Study: MiRo PRIN ICT
JET AIR Case Study JET AIR PtMP solves stability, interference and capacity challenges, assists in growing revenue and retaining customers for ISP
BrochuresRail and Metro- Critical Network Services
In today’s era of digitization, the demand for railway and metro connectivity has become a necessity. Until recently, most communication networks were connected by...
Planifique la instalación de su red inalámbrica con WINPlan de RADWIN, para asegurar el óptimo cubrimiento y capacidad, minimizando los gastos de capital y...
Planifiez le déploiement de votre réseau radio avec RADWIN WINPlan pour garantir une couverture et des débits optimaux, minimiser vos dépenses d’investissement et...
DatasheetsAlpha Connectorized Datasheet
RADWIN 2000 Alpha Integrated series is an attractively priced 500Mbps Point-to-Point outdoor radio unit with an integrated antenna, that operates in the 5GHz band.
DatasheetsSU AIR Connectorized Datasheet
SU AIR connectorized is a 500Mbps outdoor connectorized Subscriber Unit with N-type connectors for external antenna connection, that operates in the 5GHz band. SU AIR...
DatasheetsSU PRO Connectorized Datasheet
RADWIN SU PRO connectorized is an outdoor Subscriber Unit with N-type connectors for external antenna connection, providing up to 500Mbps operating in the 5GHz band.
DatasheetsSU PRO Integrated Datasheet
SU PRO Integrated is a subscriber unit with an integrated antenna, providing up to 500Mbps operating in the 5GHz band.
DatasheetsAlpha Integrated Datasheet
RADWIN 2000 Alpha Integrated series is an attractively priced 500Mbps Point-to-Point outdoor radio unit with an integrated antenna, that operates in the 5GHz band.
DatasheetsSU Air Integrated Datasheet
SU AIR is an attractively priced 500Mbps outdoor Subscriber Unit with an integrated antenna, that operates in the 5GHz band. SU AIR is interoperable with all RADWIN 5GHz ...
DatasheetsNEO Datasheet
RADWIN NEO is a low-priced Point-to-MultiPoint (PtMP) base station with an advanced beamforming antenna that provides best-in-class radio interference mitigation and...
DatasheetsNEO DUO Datasheet
RADWIN NEO DUO is a low-priced dual-carrier Point-to-MultiPoint base station with an advanced beamforming antenna, that provides best-in-class radio interference...
Case StudiesCase Study: RADWIN JET and NEO Series form foundation for...
Venezuelan Service Providers uses RADWIN PtMP beamforming solutions to scale its wireless network and help grow its user base, capacity, and revenues.
VideosAssuring fixed latency with RADWIN NEO 5GHz
Customers of Fixed Wireless Access Providers deserve high and consistent capacity with fixed latency. Looking to ease erratic data behavior? RADWIN’s NEO 5GHz base...
VideosAn Introduction to RADWIN NEO Series
Check out the NEO PtMP Series introductory clip to realize the full potential of this amazing new product!
Case StudiesCase Study: Minera Centinela Chile choose FiberinMotion®...
Minera Centinela Chile puts the safety of its drivers first by establishing remote and driverless mining machinery operations
BrochuresFolleto de TerraBridge entre carros
Proporciona conectividad inalámbrica entre vagones a velocidades 5G
BrochuresTerraBridge Data offload Pamphlet
Une connectivité sans fil 5G pour le déchargement de données depuis les gares et les dépôts.
BrochuresFolleto para descargar de Terrabridge
Proporciona conectividad inalámbrica a velocidades 5G para descarga de datos móviles para estaciones y depósitos.
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ Conectorizada
Estación base de 1,5 Gbps compatible con varias antenas externas para implementaciones de bajo costo
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ Connectorisée
Station de base 1,5 Gbit/s prenant en charge plusieurs antennes externes pour des déploiements à faible coût total de possession
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ intégrée
Station de base double porteuse de 1,5 Gbit/s pour les déploiements à faible TCO
BrochuresRADWIN Multisector™ Integrada
Estación base de doble portadora multisector de 1,5 Gbps para implementaciones de bajo costo total de propiedad
BrochuresTerraWIN 60GHz Pamphlet
RADWIN TerraWINTM is a 60GHz, self-organizing, multi-node wireless mesh solution that delivers 5G speeds to homes and businesses for a fraction of the cost of ...
VideosRADWIN MultiSector Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) Integrated...
Check out our new and exciting MultiSectorTM Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) Integrated Base Station
VideosTerraBridge wireless inter-carriage link & data...
TerraBridge wireless inter-carriage link & data offload solutions Delivering wireless connectivity at 5G speeds
BrochuresTerraBridge Data offload Pamphlet
TerraBridge Delivering wireless connectivity at 5G speeds for station and depot data offload
BrochuresTerraBridge Inter-Carriage Connectivity-Pamphlet
RADWIN TerraBridge provides continuous high-speed connectivity between train carriages to warrant end-to-end gigabit networks across any train.
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector Connectorized
RADWIN MultiSector Connectorized is a dual carrier base station supporting up to 4 external sector antennas.
BrochuresRADWIN MultiSector™ Integrated
RADWIN MultiSectorTM Integrated is an innovative base station solution for network operators, looking to provide MicroPoP broadband connectivity in locations ...
VideosRADWIN JET DUO 5GHz – Unboxing
Check out how our colleague Yaron Greenberg, Director of Global Technical Support, unboxes the NEW RADWIN JET DUO 5GHz
VideosConnecting rural Alaska with Fixed Wireless
Alaska Communications committed to bring internet service with speeds of at least 10Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload to rural locations in Alaska approved by the FCC.
Case StudiesCase Study: Alaska Communications
After deploying RADWIN JET, Alaska Wireless was able to deliver speeds much greater than 10Mbps.
VideosRADWIN JET DUO (español)
Solución PtMP de 1,5 Gbps de banda dual de 3,5 GHz y 5 GHz JET DUO es una estación base de 3,5 GHz y 5 GHz en una sola unidad, que encapsula antenas beamforming...
VideosRADWIN JET DUO (français)
JET DUO est une station de base pour 3,5 GHz et 5 GHz, renfermant des antennes de formation de faisceau indépendantes pour chaque bande de fréquence. Grâce à...
Case StudiesCase Study: Paratus Telecom
Paratus Zambia sought to replace its old outdated network and boost capacity and coverage for its customer base, which is made up of commercial enterprises and SMEs.
Case StudiesCase Study: Argentine Railway
As part of its plan to establish a state-of-the-art CCTV surveillance system, the railway operator sought a wireless broadband provider to supply the technology that...
VideosIntersaar – Connecting Rural Germany
Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) Intersaar delivers 100 Mbps wireless broadband to more than 2500 customers in Rural Germany with RADWIN JET Beamforming...
Case StudiesCase Study: Butler
Butler Electric Cooperative delivers 100Mbps high-speed wireless broadband with JET PtMP
Case StudiesCase Study: Wiber
Service provider in South Africa uses JET to drive fast broadband to businesses & residential users
Case StudiesCase Study: Fidoka
Fidoka, a leading service provider in Italy, uses JET beamforming solution to drive 100Mbps to rural villages
Case StudiesCase Study: BitСo
BitCo, a leading service provider in South Africa, chose JET to replace its legacy network and deliver 100Mbps to customers
VideosConnecting San Luis Valley, Colorado, USA
San Luis Valley REC & Ciello deployed RADWIN’s FWA to deliver high capacity fiber-like services to rural community
VideosNomadic HD video surveillance in mine
One of the world’s leading diamond mining companies chose RADWIN’s solutions to enhance operational safety and perimeter security in its mine site
VideosSuper fast Broadband in Drimnin, Scotland
Drimnin community in rural Scotland deployed its Beamforming JET PRO 750Mbps base station and AIR subscriber units
VideosMobility solution for Qingdao automated port
RADWIN’s wireless mobility solution provides a robust and stable network for the automated port’s AGV operations and communications
VideosSolución de movilidad RADWIN para el puerto automatizado...
El puerto de Qingdáo es el primer puerto de contenedores completamente automatizado del mundo y actualmente el más grande de Asia.
Case StudiesCase Study: Utah Transit
Fast Wi-Fi on FrontRunner Trains. FiberinMotion® train-to-ground solution provides up to 120 Mbps onboard trains
Case StudiesCase Study: Moscow Metro
Moscow Metro delivers fast Wi-Fi to millions of passengers with RADWIN's Fiberin-Motion® train-to-ground solution
VideosWINManage – Network Management System
WINManage simplifies the management and monitoring of RADWIN networks, interfaces and services for greater network up time
VideosWINDeploy – Network Deployment Tool
WINDeploy simplifies mass CPE deployment processes, addressing everything from installation work order assignments to real-time monitoring of deployment progress.
VideosWINDeploy (español)
WINDeploy simplifica los procesos de implementación masiva de CPE, abordando todo, desde las asignaciones de órdenes de trabajo de instalación hasta el monitoreo en...
VideosWINTouch es una aplicación que simplifica el proceso de...
WINTouch es una aplicación nueva, innovadora y fácil de usar para teléfonos inteligentes, que simplifica el proceso de instalación de las unidades de suscriptor de...
VideosIntroduction to Smart-Node
Smart-Node is an outdoor power and communication solution that reduces site deployment costs and installation time of smart city and telecom projects.
VideosAssureur la sécurité de la ville d’Anvers avec...
La police belge à Anvers a déployé RADWIN JET PtMP dans toute la ville pour diverses applications Smart City telles que la vidéosurveillance, la reconnaissance de...
VideosAntwerp Belgium Smart City Deployment with Exclusive...
Belgian Police in Antwerp has deployed RADWIN JET PtMP around the city for various Smart City applications such as Video Surveillance, License Plate recognition, etc.
VideosSmart-Node Overview
RADWIN Product Marketing Manager Yanir Cohen provides a quick overview of the Smart-Node, all its connectivity options and an exclusive look under the hood.
VideosJET DUO 5GHzEstación base beamforming de doble carrier de...
Ultra capacidad. Fiabilidad sin igual. El menor coste total de propiedad. JET DUO 5 GHz es la solución perfecta para áreas que exigen capacidad ultra alta. JET DUO...
VideosJET DUO 5GHzStation de base de beamforming à double...
Excellente capacité. Niveau de fiabilité inégalé. TCO le plus bas possible
VideosConnectivité haut débit sans fil pour les mines...
Connectivité haut débit sans fil pour les mines numériques
BrochuresRADWIN JET PtMP pour fournisseurs d’accès
Solution de beamforming (formation de faisceaux) offrant une connectivité de la qualité de la fibre aux clients résidentiels et professionnels
BrochuresRADWIN JET PtMP para proveedores de servicio
Solución beamforming que proporciona conectividad similar a fibra óptica para uso residencial y empresarial
VideosRADWIN JET pour les maisons et les entreprises au Canada
Un fournisseur de services canadien renforce son ARPU avec RADWIN JET pour les maisons et les entreprises
BrochuresJET DUO 3,5GHz & 5GHz Brochure
JET DUO is a 3.5 GHz and 5 GHz base station in a single unit that encapsulates independent beamforming antennas per each individual band.
BrochuresSmart-Node para videovigilancia
Simplifica las instalaciones de CCTV, reduciendo los costes totales
BrochuresSmart-Node pour la vidéosurveillance
Simplifier le déploiement de vidéosurveillance tout en réduisant le coût total
VideosRADWIN Smart-Node – Solution tout-en-un de...
RADWIN Smart-Node est une solution de communication et d'alimentation en extérieur qui réduit les coûts et accélère le déploiement de projets de smart-city, IoT et ...
BrochuresWINDeploy Pamphlet ES
WINDeploy es una nueva aplicación basada en nube, diseñada para ayudar a gestionar implementaciones de unidades para suscriptor.
BrochuresWINDeploy Pamphlet FR
WINDeploy est une nouvelle application basée sur le Cloud, conçue pour aider à gérer les déploiements SU.
BrochuresWINDeploy Pamphlet
WINDeploy is a new cloud-based application, designed to help manage SU deployments
VideosIntroduction à WINTouch
RADWIN est heureux de vous présenter WINTouch, une application conçue pour compléter ses solutions JET, Point-à-Multipoint beamforming déjà reconnues sur le...
VideosWINDeploy – Outil de gestion de déploiement
Plus les réseaux grandissent, plus les déploiements de masse d’unités d'abonnés (SU) peuvent s’avérer compliqués à planifier et inefficaces à exécuter....
VideosIntroducción a WINTouch (español)
Diseñada para complementar sus soluciones punto-a-multipunto de formación de haces JET, comprobadas en el mercado, ¡RADWIN se complace en presentar WINTouch!...
VideosSolution de mobilité RADWIN pour le port automatisé de...
Le port de Qingdao est le 1er port de conteneurs entièrement automatisé au monde, et le plus grand en Asie aujourd'hui.
VideosL’application WINTouch simplifie le processus...
WINTouch est une application smartphone nouvelle, innovante et facile à utiliser. Elle simplifie le processus d’installation de l’unité d’abonné RADWIN.
Planifique la instalación de su red inalámbrica con R-Planner de RADWIN, para asegurar el cubrimiento y capacidad óptima, minimizando los gastos de capital y...
Planifier le déploiement radio de votre réseau sans fil avec RADWIN R-Planner pour sécuriser une couverture et une capacité optimale tout en réduisant au minimum...
BrochuresR-Planner Pamphlet
Plan your wireless network roll-out with RADWIN R-Planner to secure optimal coverage and capacity
WINManage es un poderoso sistema de gestión de red que empodera a los equipos operativos para que gestionen y monitoreen redes, interfaces y servicios RADWIN.
WINManage est un système de gestion de réseau puissant permettant aux équipes opérationnelles de gérer et surveiller les réseaux, interfaces et services de RADWIN.
VideosWINManage – Sistema de gestión de red (NMS)
WINManage es un poderoso sistema de gestión de red que empodera a los equipos operativos para que gestionen y monitoreen redes, interfaces y servicios RADWIN. Con...
VideosWINManage – Système de gestion de réseau (NMS)
WINManage est un système de gestion de réseau puissant permettant aux équipes opérationnelles de gérer et surveiller les réseaux, interfaces et services de RADWIN. ...
BrochuresWINManage Pamphlet
WINManage is a powerful network management system that empowers operation teams to manage and monitor RADWIN networks, interfaces and services.
BrochuresAplicaciones RADWIN OSS
RADWIN OSS ofrece un conjunto de aplicaciones operacionales que apoyan todos los aspectos del ciclo de vida de la red
BrochuresApplications RADWIN OSS
OSS RADWIN fournit une série d'applications opérationnelles prenant en charge l'ensemble du cycle de vie du réseau
BrochuresOSS Applications Pamphlet
RADWIN OSS provides a set of operational applications that support the entire network lifecycle.
BrochuresRADWIN 2000 Alpha Serie punto-a-punto
Entregando hasta 500 Mbps, la serie RADWIN 2000 Alpha es parte del portafolio PtP de soluciones carrier grade de RADWIN 2000.
BrochuresSérie RADWIN 2000 Alpha point à point
Fournissant jusqu'à 500 Mbps, la série RADWIN 2000 Alpha fait partie du portfolio RADWIN 2000 PàP de solutions de classe opérateur.
BrochuresRADWIN 2000 Alpha Pamphlet
Delivering up to 350Mbps in the 5 GHz band, RADWIN 2000 Alpha Series is part of the RADWIN 2000 PtP portfolio of carrier grade solutions.
VideosBranchement du parc safari ‘The Wilds’ en Ohio
Découvrez comment RADWIN a activé des services sans fil haute capacité en temps réel pour le personnel et les visiteurs de Safari Park dans l'Ohio.
VideosVidéosurveillance essentielle à l’exploitation...
Un important producteur de diamants a choisi RADWIN pour la vidéosurveillance de ses sites miniers
VideosReal-time video monitoring at the Port of Shanghai
See how RADWIN enables real-time, HD video monitoring of bridge cranes at the world's busiest container port.
VideosFiberinMotion® de RADWIN fournit le WI-FI gratuit dans les ...
La ville de Tshwane en Afrique du Sud a déployé FiberinMotion® la solution de mobilité sans fil de RADWIN pour fournir une connexion Wi-Fi à bord des autobus...
VideosVideovigilancia de misión crítica para minería, Namibia
RADWIN fue elegida por una empresa de diamantes líder para la videovigilancia de sus explotaciones mineras. Se equiparon remolques con cámaras de video HD y equipos...
BrochuresCiudad inteligente
Proporcionando la conectividad inalámbrica de banda ancha para las ciudades del mañana
BrochuresVilles intelligentes
Permettre la connectivité haut débit sans fil dans les villes de demain
BrochuresPortafolio RADWIN 2000
El portafolio RADWIN 2000 ofrece soluciones de banda ancha con y sin licencia en sub-6 GHz, que entregan desde 25 Mbps hasta 750 Mbps, operando en las bandas de 2,3 GHz...
BrochuresGamme RADWIN 2000
La gamme RADWIN 2000 consiste en des solutions de haut débit sans fil opérant dans des bandes sans et avec licence sous 6 GHz, atteignant entre 25 et 750 Mbps tout en...
VideosCiudad de Tshwane: Wi-Fi EN LOS AUTOBUSES; iniciativa con...
La ciudad de Tshwane en Sudáfrica despliega la solución de movilidad inalámbrica de RADWIN FiberinMotion® para proporcionar conexión Wi-Fi a bordo de los autobuses...
VideosConectando el Valle de San Luis, Colorado, EE. UU.
Nuestra verdadera misión para Ciello y REC es llevar una oferta integral de banda ancha al Valle de San Luis. Nuestra zona tiene un servicio extremadamente deficiente....
BrochuresFerrocarriles y metros
FiberinMotion®, la solución de comunicaciones tren-a-tierra de RADWIN asegura la conectividad inalámbrica de alta velocidad entre trenes o metros y los centros de...
BrochuresRail & Métro
La solution de communication train-sol FiberinMotion® de RADWIN assure une connectivité sans fil continue à haute vitesse entre les trains ou les métros et les...
Rail & Metro Brochure
RADWIN’s FiberinMotion® train-to-ground communications solution ensures continuous high-speed wireless connectivity
BrochuresConectividad para la minería
Conectividad de banda ancha de alta calidad para operaciones mineras eficientes
VideosRADWIN Smart Node (español)
RADWIN Smart-Node es una solución de comunicaciones y energía para exterior que reduce los costes y acelera la implementación de proyectos de ciudad inteligente, IoT ...
BrochuresOil & Gas Brochure
Reliable, high-performance wireless broadband connectivity for on and off-shore digital oil fields
BrochuresPower Utilities Brochure
Reliable, high-performance wireless broadband connectivity for substation and distribution automation
Case StudiesCase Study: Blusky Italy
Wireless ISP BLUSKY in Italy uses RADWIN JET to deliver 100 Mbps fiber-like quality broadband to homes and enterprises
Case StudiesCase Study: Peoples Telephone
Rural telephone cooperative uses JET Beamforming Solution to drive high-speed broadband to unserved residents in Texas
VideosProveedor de servicios canadiense impulsa ARPU con JET para ...
Proveedor de servicios canadiense impulsa ARPU (ingreso promedio por usuario) con RADWIN JET para viviendas y empresas
VideosNous connections la vallée de San Luis, Colorado, USA
Notre mission pour Ciello et REC consiste à mettre en place une offre haut débit exhaustive dans la vallée de San Luis. Notre région est très mal desservie. Nous...
VideosNET1 Irlanda ofrece servicios similares a las fibras con...
Net1 Broadband Ireland ofrece servicios similares a la fibra con RADWIN JET para empresas y hogares
VideosConectividad inalámbrica de última milla con FiberClass...
FiberClass Wireless de RADWIN para conectividad de última milla y gestión intelegente del ancho de banda.
VideosNet1 Ireland offre des services semblables aux fibres...
Net1 Broadband Ireland offre des services semblables aux fibres optiques avec RADWIN JET pour les entreprises et les résidences
VideosServiman escoge JET de RADWIN para entregar banda ancha...
Serviman es un proveedor de servicios en España que necesitaba conectar negocios y hogares remotos en las islas de Ibiza y Formentera para proporcionar 30-100 Mbps a...
VideosBBnet Ireland Chooses JET for High Capacity Broadband
BBnet has deployed its JET PRO Point-to-Multipoint solutions to drive high-speed broadband to multinational enterprises and homes in Midwest Ireland
VideosAntwerp Bélgica despliegue de ciudades inteligentes con...
La policía belga en Amberes ha desplegado RADWIN JET PtMP en toda la ciudad
VideosMetro de Moscú despliega FiberinMotion®
Mediante FiberinMotion® de RADWIN, el Metro de Moscú puede suministrar 90 Mbps por tren en distancias de hasta 900 metros. Este caudal de tráfico se utiliza para...
VideosRADWIN sur la bonne voie avec son déploiement dans le...
Le métro de Moscou a choisi la solution de RADWIN FiberinMotion train-sol pour offrir un Wi-Fi haut débit à des millions d'utilisateurs.
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