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Federal funding will go towards repurposing a Mountain View hotel for low-income housing. Photo by Magali Gauthier.

Anna Eshoo delivers results for her district

The constituents and cities within Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s district have benefitted from a representative who has consistently delivered for her local communities.

As a former San Mateo County Supervisor for ten years before she went to Congress, Eshoo has a broad understanding of issues faced by our schools, businesses and nonprofits, and has long-standing personal and professional ties in our region. We local elected officials can count on Eshoo when it comes to addressing affordable housing, modernizing public transportation, improving education and responding to natural disasters.

She has used her experience, knowledge and relationships built in Washington, D.C. to bring home the resources we need to keep our cities, school districts and businesses thriving, especially during the pandemic.

Let’s look at the facts: This year, Eshoo secured $21.4 million for 15 projects in her district through the appropriations process, during which members of Congress request funds for specific projects in their districts.

For my city of Mountain View, Eshoo secured over $3M. They include: an affordable housing project that will convert a former hotel into affordable units for extremely low-income people experiencing homelessness; a bicycle/pedestrian undercrossing at the Caltrain tracks at the intersection of Evelyn and Bernardo avenues in Mountain View that will improve safety; funding for Caltrain grade separation projects including two in Mountain View, and safety fencing along Caltrain’s corridor to prevent deaths by suicide.

In the City of Saratoga where Eshoo’s opponent serves on the city council, she secured over $1.5M for safety improvements on a pedestrian path connecting their downtown to Hakone Gardens. Perhaps that’s part of the reason why three of her opponent’s four colleagues have endorsed Rep. Eshoo and none have endorsed him. His effectiveness as a council member is further called into question when he has repeatedly been passed over for vice mayor and mayor by his colleagues.

In addition to delivering for her district, Eshoo has consistently delivered for the nation, with over 50 bills she has authored being signed into law by five presidents.

We all know that in a system like Congress where you gain leadership positions by seniority, and with 434 colleagues from a diversity of backgrounds, building relationships over time and the ability to collaborate is how things get done. Now more than ever, we need Rep. Eshoo to continue to represent us and deliver for us.

Please join me in voting to re-elect Congresswoman Eshoo.

Margaret Abe-Koga

Mountain View City Council member

Medicare is one of the great triumphs of American policy, a whopping 94% of senior beneficiaries reporting being satisfied or very satisfied with their Medicare coverage. That kind of popularity can tempt the delusional, demagogic and disingenuous elements in our political system to inspire fear by attacking their opponents record on Medicare.

Anna Eshoo has an unimpeachable record of defending and enhancing Medicare. That record is not idle history, earlier this year she was instrumental in passing the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA authorizes Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs, caps out of pocket prescription costs, and makes many important vaccines free for patients, among many other enhancements. Her work on this bill earned a glowing review from the AARP; she is endorsed by the committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, and has been a partner in achieving El Camino’s 5 star rating from the center for Medicare and Medicaid services.

During my 10 years on the hospital board and 8 years as a Sunnyvale City Council member and Mayor, Congresswoman Eshoo has been an incredibly valuable partner for seniors on Medicare, and for young mothers and children, for anti tobacco campaigns, and for choice. Anna approaches public service with such graciousness, generosity and selflessness. I look forward to continuing to work with Anna, but due to redistricting I can no longer vote for her. Please cast your vote for Anna Eshoo if you have that ability.

Julia Miller

Chair, El Camino Healthcare District

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