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Love like a Man, A Frenchman’s Guide to Help American Men be Better Partners, by Guy Blaise is a must read.
As I was reading it, I thought to myself, “If all men read this, and implemented it, women–or male partners–would be so much happier. I might even be out of a job! And that would actually make me happy because couples would be emotionally and physically connected.
Here are a few gems from the book, just randomly opening it:
Bathroom Etiquette
Dear Guy, My wife is constantly complaining that I am being messy in the bathroom. Is this what women like to nag about after getting married? -Ted, TX
Dear Ted, There is no nice way to say this. If you walk into a clean bathroom, piss into the wind, then go about your business without a care in the world, you are creating a conflict with your partner. Whether or not you wash your hands before leaving the bathroom is anyone’s guess. If you can’t pee properly, I can’t imagine you make love right . . .”
No Boys Allowed
Dear Guy,
My husband is addicted to video games. He gets home from work and plays until dinner time, and he plays after dinner, sometimes until long after I’ve gone to bed. He rarely helps with our two children and I am exhausted from having to do everything. I feel like a single mother of three. Should I give him an ultimatum?
– Heather, VA
Dear Heather,
Ultimatums rarely work. A man must know how to balance responsibility with fun. A woman can’t feel confident in her relationship when she feels like a parent to her man instead of a partner. It is clear that your husband’s behavior is causing you resentment, and unhappiness. A dialogue is important. I don’t know how well you have communicated your feelings to him. It is possible that he is dismissing your complaints as nagging. Perhaps he is not aware of the seriousness of the problem. If he is aware, however, and is continuing the same pattern of behavior, he is making a statement. Ultimately, you cannot change his behavior, but you can decide whether or not you were willing to accept it. After making your feelings clear, you will have to decide if it’s ‘Game Over’.
All the best, Guy.
Emotions have no Gender
Say what you want about the French, but it wouldn’t hurt you to be a little more like us when it comes to expressing your emotions. Emotions are not exclusive to one gender, and Frenchman know this. It does not make you less of a man to tell your partner, your genuine feelings– it makes you human.
Try it. You may be surprised to find that your improved communication makes your relationship stronger.
Cock Blockers
I noticed many American men staying in relationships out of convenience, knowing that they have no intention of marrying their partner. If you know she wants to get married and you do not plan on asking her to marry you, stop wasting her time. Some of you treat your partners like housekeepers or cooks. You behave like roommates to help each other out with bills. Cock blockers get into relationships with women and keep them from seeing other men, even though they are not going to take things to the next level. Men stay in these relationships to kill time until the right one comes along. It is selfish behavior, and it says a lot about you. You would never string along someone who truly loves you.
I don’t need to say more, other than: Get the book and read it today!