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We’ve been celebrating our 10-year anniversary at The Food Party! starting on October 7, 2013 – 10 years ago today.
As part of the festivities, we’re bringing back some most popular or favorite blogs from the past. This one originally posted in 2015 and is updated below. Fitting for an anniversary; it’s a tale of the champagne toast.
If you raised a glass in celebration recently, think back.
Did you look at the person whose glass you ching-chinged? Have you ever looked into the eyes of others at your table while toasting to their health and good cheer?
– courtesy of Creative Commons
It’s a new practice in my circles. Susan coined the term Eyesmeet, and it’s fast become a fun, silly, important part of the tradition. “Meaningful eye contact,” someone called it. Friends still respond awkwardly with big eyes and silly faces, but clinking glasses wouldn’t be the same without it.
We can see clearly now.
The Wall Street Journal reported in 2013 that “adults make eye contact between 30% and 60% of the time in the average conversation, instead of the 60% to 70% (preferred) to create a sense of emotional connection.” San Francisco-based Decker Communications suggests, “holding eye contact for 7 to 10 seconds in a one-on-one conversation, and for 3 to 5 seconds in a group setting.”
I tried this all out on my family. Wine, water, whiskey, milk – it doesn’t matter.
“Meaningful eye contact everyone; look directly at the person you are toasting.”
Every time, same response: wide eyes, nervous laughter, but with better connection somehow. Lasting. I want to do it more. Deep eyes reach in and touch souls.
Speaking of eyes worth staring into, below are a few, photographed at a recent trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts. Saved from being sold to pay off a city recovering from bankruptcy, the DIA houses a surprisingly accessible and extensive collection of important art. Guess what famous DIA-housed painting these eyes belong to, or return to The Food Party! in a couple days for the answers.
If you’re looking for a novel bubbly to test out Eyesmeet, allow me to turn you on to a new sparkler in town. We just Food Partyied! with Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Brut from Valdo, a Bolla Family winery originally based near Venice. They’ve been in the business for more than 90 years and have “grown into the most popular Prosecco in the Italian retail space,” shared Matteo Bolla, Business Development Manager for the winery. Last week they poured this beauty, made from 90% Glera grapes, 10% Chardonnay, and crafted in the Martinotti-Charmat method, at Montesecro, an artisan Italian restaurant in San Francisco
“Prosecco Superiore” feels crisp, bright, fun and expensive – possibly the best Prosecco I’ve ever had. But what’s this? Only $20 bottle? I’ll take a case. Well not so fast – it’s not available in the US quite yet. You can find relatives online however, and when Superiore arrives, we’ll send out a Food Party! alert and you will be among the first to know.
– Zoom in – photo by Chef – seen in the background mirror.
No wonder why we’re all having such a good time.
Bella Vita!
– photos by LSIC unless noted