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Tis the season. Holiday celebrations, lights and good cheer. Santa and sleighbells. Cookies, and sweets, and sugar, and sugar, and sugar, and sugar and sugar….
I’ve had the Sugar Blues on and off since my 20’s. An old boyfriend was first to clue me in.
“You have a different personality when you eat sugar, and it’s not nice.”
I broke up with that guy 30 years ago. Wish I could say the same thing about sugar.
We’ve Food Partied! about sugar addiction in days gone by
Welcome Back Sugar Addict (2015)
Sugar Bigger Sinner than Wine? (2022)
Personally, I’m more in control than ever. My A1C has gone down and I’ve lost 5 pounds.
You helped me speak truth to power.
But last year at this time I started drifting. “It’s the holidays,” I’d say to myself. “You deserve more sweets.”
Alas, sugar begets sugar begets sugar.
– Photo courtesy of Harsha K R
Holidays on Sugar 2022 started happening daily, recapturing my brain and holding it hostage in sickeningly sweet Sugar Land, the place where sugar can become your only true lover. It took me 2 ½ months to reel the ol’ brain back in, and free myself once again from the wondrous, vicious allure.
I’m not kidding.
Then Thanksgiving 2023 pops in and so does the pumpkin pie, followed by the whipped cream, and oh thank you, I’ll absolutely have some egg nog, with whipped cream why not? And then one more please, and another.
photo courtesy of Creative Commons
I started to bliss out again down the sweet slope. It all felt so easy. I felt at home. Until I slapped back and remembered it took till mid-March last time to GET OUT.
In This is Your Brain on Food, author Dr. Uma Naidoo suggests we limit sugar to 3 days a week max. And then she shares this interesting tidbit; “We will never solve the mental health issues in this country, until we start addressing diet.” She has a new book coming out end of December; Calm your Mind with Food.
So to all my fellow sugar junkies – Happy Holidays. Hopefully not Holidaze.
Watch out – there’s a lot of sugar ahead.
These next weeks, pay attention to how it makes you feel.
photos by LSIC unless noted